Friday, July 20, 2007

Felted KIP Bag

Hey all,

Just wanted to show you the new bag I cranked out this week. I REALLY love it. And for fudging alot of the turned out exactly as I wanted it to. Let me have your comments/criticisms.
With love, Angela


Christine said...

Wow! I love it! Which yarn did you use? ~christine.

MikKnits said...

Too cute!

Angela :o) said...

I used Knitpicks Wool of the Andes.

Arctic Pool Heather (2 skeins)
Mist (2 skeins)
Lake Ice Heather (1 skein)

I bought the yarn for felted slippers, but haven't gotten around to the slippers yet. *grin*
with love, Ang

SinKnitty said...

So glad it worked out for you! How was the felting part done?

Angela :o) said...

I'm sorry, I didn't see your comment. I just
1. threw it into a washing machine
2. small load/hot water
3. added a little baking soda (I've also been told a little dishsoap)
4. Added a pair of jeans
5. checked it every five minutes.

Hope that helps.
Love, Ang